Friday, December 12, 2014

Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966). Requiem.

Anna Akhmatova, the Grand Dame of the Russian poetry and the belle of the Russian silver age, did not enter earlier because she belongs with Boris Pasternak to the neo-classicist wing of  the poetic endeavor. Yet, she was a pupil and wife of Gumilev, a friend of Mandelstams and a mentor to Brodsky. She also was a lover of Modigliani and Isaiah Berlin. If this were not enough, her Requiem was not only a masterpiece of Russian XX century poetry, easily comparable to J. Alfred Prufrock or the Waste Land, but also a watershed between the poetry of the first half of the XX century centered on St. Petersburg and its second half centered on Moscow.

Requiem written in the memory of the victims of Stalinist terror--among whom were her third (common law) husband, art historian,  Punin (died in the camps after the death of Stalin) and her son Lev Gumilev (spent 15 years in Gulag)--is not only a monument to her civic consciousness but also the great work of art. Read it.

P. S. Anna Akhmatova Requiem is one of the most translated Russian poems in English and I defer to the earlier translators. One of rather faithful translations is provided by Evgeny Bovner.

P.S. Akhmatova and her comedienne friend Faina Ranevskaya in their later years were accomplished conversationalist broads pronouncing brush, harsh and hilarious judgments on the contemporary literary and political scene. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Ferdinand Zeheshtern

Finally, I exercise the privilege of all creators of anthologies, namely publish my own verse (with my own translation). The poem describes the collision between Chinese and Aryan mythologies of people getting control of the waters as an act of creation.

 Legend of Yu the Engineer

Six princes in council;
Six banners fly:
Guyn has screwed up
He must die.

Yao had said his very wise word:
"Yu will obtain his shovel and sword.
Yu has his legs joint at the knees,
His hands are all split up, like bushes of trees,
He must have been begotten by Earth,
Yu will obtain his shovel and sword."                      

Wise Yu has in the place of his face            
Something all vague and out of place                                          

By Mother Earth he must have been born
He will yoke up the watery storm

Who has reopened the watery pass
Who Vraetona fucked in his ass?

Years are gone and eons have passed
Yet Yao's sayings are all that will last:
"He who has his body crippled and wrought
Must've been begotten by powerful gods."

Six princes in council;
Six banners fly:
Gyun had screwed up.
He must die.

Под шелест шести
Ванов знамен
Гунь в распиздяйстве
Был обвинен

Яо промолвил мудрую речь
Юю доверим воды стеречь
Юю доверим воды стеречь
Вот кто получит заступ и меч.

У Юя ноги срослись до колен
Неразделимы в цельности члены
Знать он рожден самою землей
Вот усмирит кто смерч водяной

У мудрого Юя на месте лица
Неразличимо все до конца
Знать он рожден самою землей
Вот усмирит кто смерч водяной

Кто отворил потоки для вод
Демона Вритру выебал в рот?

Годы проходят, идут времена
Помнят сказание племена:
"У Юя ноги срослись до колен
Знать божеством всемогущим рожден."

Под шелест шести ванов знамен
Гунь в распиздяйстве был обвинен.


Империя. Рондо.

                                    «Его палаццо из палацц
                                    За струнной изгородью лиры.»

                                                И. Северянин

Стоит безмолвно, безнадежно,
Окутанный во мрак Китая,
То Сталиным слывущий Брежнев,
Иль в Брежневе воскресший Сталин.
По небесам не ходят волны
И мрак Китая столь подвержен
Кресту, что держит Брежнев Сталин,
Но отвергает Сталин Брежнев
У стен недвижного Китая
Стальной щетиной искореженной
Гордится мощью намекая на
имя то чье тело --Сталин то
тело то чье имя --Брежнев


Empire. Rondeau.

                           "Palazzo, fairest of palazzos 
                             Behind his lyre's stringed palisade"
                                          Igor Severyanin

It lurks and lurks in deadly silence
Sunk in the darkest void of China
That's brezhnev who's becoming stalin
Or stalin's resurrected brezhnev.
The waves o'er sky are not that falling
And yet the void maintains the Crosses
Whose firm support is brezhnev-stalin
But are rejected stalin-brezhnev.
At china walls of sleepy China
The heap of mangled steel corrosive
Maintains in name the body stalin
The name which has the body brezhnev.