Friday, September 21, 2012

Dmitry Prigov (1940-2007)

Дмитрий Пригов

Пригов. Черномырдин. (D. Prigov. Chernomyrdin, Russian Prime Minister, 1938-2010 and Yogi Berra of Russia)

By the early sixties Russian poetry came to a standstill. It was dominated by shallow water philistinism or kukish v karmane―literally, middle finger in one’s pocket―covert bites against Soviet Communism, sometimes so obscure, that only the authors themselves could explain their purported civic message. Mandelstam and Kharms were long dead, proscribed and forgotten by everybody except a small band of standard-bearers (Oberiyt I. Bakhterev, and Chinar Druskin in the case of Kharms) and close personal friends (Mandelstam’s widow Nadezhda).  Pasternak was already in his grave, though, for preceding decade, his time and thoughts were occupied mainly by his prose projects. Anna Akhmatova, Grand Dame of Russian poetry was infirm and died soon. Mr. Brodsky, the future Poet Laureate of the United States, was becoming famous but more as an uncompromising rebel, than a top-notch literary figure, which he became in exile, a kind of overweight John Dean. Suddenly, from nowhere, there materialized a sculpture student, short even by the standards of Russian conceptualist: his gnomic silhouette was at least once used as the cameo in the flick “Taxi blues” by Pavel Loungin. 
          Many people at the time even thought that his legal name was a pseudonym, derived from the English prick.  His incessant narrations, clippings from the Soviet Newspeak, street mumblings, cycles studying a “subject”: God, People or Love, immediately took center stage in Soviet avant-garde. Prigov was the only modernist poet I can remember, whose poems were distributed, oh no, not in Samizdat even, but on recorder tapes read by the sardonic voice of their author. For Dima, the Bohr's eulogy that the world might remember Einstein as a great scientist but for his personal acquaintances he will always be remembered as a great friend would be equally applicable. 
          His conceptualist drawings consisting of lines, language fragments and monsters, and his tireless energy in organizing underground exhibitions, poetry readings and happenings of Soviet avant-garde changed Russian literary landscape forever and provided him a firm place among such catalysts of novel art in all its forms and shapes as Gumilev or Guillaume Apollinaire. But his poetry is exquisite, too. 

Remarkably, out of his reported 33 thousand poems it is hard to select a few, which are representative or even comprehensible without inclusion in his monumental cycles like Милицанер (The Pollissman) or the series of his Obituaries. But this one was published on one remembrance site and is quite fit as his epitaph.

Сжигать все до последней птицы
И убегать в свою берлогу –
Такой вот партизанский принцип
И выше - партизанский логос
Не то, чтобы здесь всякий занят
Подобным, но мы партизане
Кроме тех редких, кто

To burn the everything till the last bird
And run to own lair--
This is a law of a guerrilla/partisan warfare
and higher still--its logos
Not even that is everyone is busy
As partisan as such
But some we all are
Except for those rare who


This short poem about the battle of Kulikovo (1380)--a pivotal event in Russian history--is the most unusual (if such term can be applied to D. P.). It shows the battle from G-d perspective and, moreover, from the perspective of doubting and vacillating G-d. Battle of Kulikovo was won by the Russians but avenged by Tartars only two years later in a sack of Moscow. Yet, the victory of Kulikovo was a definitive event in a creation of the Russian nation from disparate Eastern Slavic tribes.

Куликовская битва

Вот всех я по местам расставил
Вот этих справа я поставил
Вот этих слева я поставил
Всех прочих на потом оставил
Поляков на потом оставил
Французов на потом оставил
И немцев на потом оставил
Вот ангелов своих наставил
И сверху воронов поставил
И прочих птиц вверху поставил
А снизу поле предоставил
Для битвы поле предоставил
Его деревьями уставил
Дубами-елями уставил
Кустами кое-где обставил
Травою мягкой застелил
Букашкой мелкой населил
Пусть будет все, как я представил
Пусть все живут, как я заставил
Пусть все умрут, как я заставил
Так победят сегодня русские
Ведь неплохие парни русские
И девки неплохие русские
Они страдали много, русские
Терпели ужасы нерусские
Так победят сегодня русские

Что будет здесь, коль уж сейчас
Земля крошится уж сейчас
И небо пыльно уж сейчас
Породы рушатся подземные
И воды мечутся подземные
И твари мечутся подземные
И люди бегают наземные
Туда-сюда бегут приземные
И птицы поднялись надземные
Все птицы-вороны надземные

А все ж татары поприятнее
И имена их поприятнее
И голоса их поприятнее
Да и повадка поприятнее
Хоть русские и поопрятнее
А все ж татары поприятнее

Так пусть татары победят
Отсюда все мне будет видно
Татары, значит, победят...
А впрочем — завтра будет видно

© Д.А.Пригов

The Battle of Kulikovo

I here put all them in place
These--to the right place
And others--to the left
I left all others for the future
The Poles I left for near future
The French I left for distant future
And also Germans for the future

I put my angels everywhere
And put the ravens over here
And other birds put over there
The field presented down here
The battle field is down here

I put the trees all over here
The oak, fir trees over here
And yet some bushes--here and there
The grass will soft be down there
The smallish bugs will crawl there
Let all it be as I perceived
Let all yet live as I conceived
Let all yet die as I conceived

Because they will win today, the Russians
Because they are fine lads, the Russians
And Russian girls are also fine
They suffered so much those Russians
They suffered horrors from non-Russians
So they must win today

What will here happen if this now
The Earth is crumbling here now
And sky is dusty even now
The ores are crumbling underground
The waters whirl in underground
And beasts are running underground
And people are running overground
All to and fro run near ground
And birds are flying over ground
All birds and ravens over ground

But tartars are a little bit nicer
Their names are also a bit nicer
Their voices are all over nicer
And their customs are much nicer
Though Russians are a kind-a neater
But tartars are nicer altogether

So let then tartars win today
I will see everything from here
The tartars shall get their victory...
However--we'll see tomorrow

This short poem was written when Perestroika threatened to destabilize a convenient totalitarian "paradise" with all its certainties. As always Prigov was absolutely right...

Нам всем грозит свобода
Свобода без конца
Без выхода, без входа
Без матери-отца

Посередине Руси,
За весь прошедший век
И я ее страшуся
Как честный человек

We're threatened by th' freed'm
The freed'm of no sense
Without even parents
Without means and ends

In midst of Mother Russia
For all the past eons
And I'm afraid of freed'm
As honorable man

Friday, September 14, 2012

Nina Iskrenko (1951-1995)

Нина Искренко, конец 80-х годов

“Don’t touch us by your Holy Hand, O Thee” (N. Iskrenko, Referendum, from The Cycle of Phoebes). Nina Iskrenko, the muse of the Second Conceptualist wave was educated as a physicist and grew up to become one of the most bitter and uncompromising poets of her generation. Before her untimely and painful death from cancer, she became born-again Christian and wrote a cycle of spiritual poems largely defying her earlier, somewhat ribald message. 

The Cycle of Phoebes (88).

(Oedipus Monologue)
I am almost old           for shedding tears
I am almost sober        to be stoned
There are many windows        or faces
I have lost my memory           memory only

I am in attainder          or attachment             Don’t remember
I am lawful brother     to my lawful children
There are many windows        Dark on darkness
Look like faces            or they look like stones
Somebody is coming   very busy
Says      Let’s do a revolution
Pharisees all     and Darkness nightly
I don’t go        guys     I swear
Swear Grin      You are a rat   You will be

Grin     caress the uniforms slightly
Their battle horses munch the grasses
Take away your monkey wrench You bastard
I am not your              deputy-in-waiting

I am almost dead        for this horn locking
I am almost blind        for this red cloak
I have almost nails      that pierced my ears
And one leg    that stuck in a well somewhat

I don’t vote     for slightest anybody
I abide in forest           eating chestnuts
Walls of city would not          could not save me
 ‘Cause I would not    could not save them

I am only king             abstain I cannot
I can only press           my wine by hand thus rotten
Throw off my bloody bloody towel
From my one antiquity to other

I don’t vote     For anybody anymore
‘Cause this is not         what will save us

 (монолог Эдипа)

Я немного старый     чтобы выпить
И немного трезвый чтоб колоться
Здесь так много окон            Или это лица
У меня отшибло        только память

Я в опале        Или во поле   Не помню
Я законный брат       своим сынам законным
Здесь так много окон            черные на черном
Словно лица  Или это камни

Тут пришли какие-то            хлопочут
говорят           Айда на баррикады
Фарисейство мол      и Сумрак Ночи
Не пойду        ребята             Гадом буду
Ухмыляются              мол будешь    будешь гадом

Ухмыляются             поглаживают китель
Кони их пощипывают травку
Убери ты к черту монтировку
Я тебе не первый заместитель

Я немного мертвый чтоб бодаться
и немного слеп для красной тряпки
У меня в ушах           немного гвозди
и одна нога    чуть-чуть в колодце

Я ни за кого   не голосую
Я живу в лесу                        и ем каштаны
Не спасут меня родные стены
Если даже я их не спасаю

Я всего лишь царь    И мне не отвертеться
Мне давить вино       повапленной             рукою
и махать кровавым полотенцем
из одной античности в другую

Я ни за кого не голосую
потому что это не спасает

March of the Epigones

                        He who is born
                        Brings down
                        Not built

We were thrown by our youth
under rolling stones
We were led by youthfulness
pissing in chain gangs
We were told by youthfulness
to mix up all means and ends
And we were wished our happiness
on edges of Gulag

Taught us straight our youthfulness
            to defer to lieutenants
Measure by centimeter
ceiling in one’s cell
Catch on homemade radar
BBC and the Voice America’s
quaff without sleep remorse
write to Kremlin chiefs

We were screwed by our youthfulness’
devilish cartwheels
Youth enticed us solemnly
as the double-breasted Brezhnev
Years of hard labor
had repaired us
Virgin lands of penal camps 
truly shaped us up
So we would not look like wolves
towards greener pastures
Now cannot even think we
to abandon food lines
Now cannot even think we
to ditch the working mass

Physicos and psychos
Docs and fags of science
Blueberries and bluebirds
Aces and the kings
Samovars and kettles
Our bosses-citizens
Chukchi and Arzakhi tribes
Dogs and armed guards

Save your youth          your beautiful
from bewitched eye
on the oak hanger
in the fireproof safe
not to be corrupted
by an alien microbe
safe from being blemished by
bad record on a file

Save your youth
your willowy
over river standing by
so that nothing goes
save your bloody principles
save your bloody nuts
Middle fingers in your pockets
Drugs and ration cards

For the sewn and patched
and beaten
            though not yet eaten
our godfather
the hunchbacked stooge

                        Our bloody youthfulness
                        useful as youthfulness
                        our plump-oh-youthfulness
                        our full-of-crap
                        It is like a molten glass
                        as shoelace at stake
                        everybody fed up with
                        everybody faced

Sleep like bloody winners
Wake like bloody winners
As the bloody winners
everything we duck
We have our youth to us
our commie youthfulness
eternal as youthfulness
sturdy as a fuck

Поход эпигонов
                        Не строит

Нас водила молодость
под лежачий камень
Нас водила молодость
строем по нужде
Величала молодость
корешки вершками
и желала счастья нам
в далекой Кулунде

Научила уступать
мерить сантиметрами
площадь потолка
и локатором ловить
голос континента
и глушить без просыпа
и писать в ЦК

Нас имела молодость
на колесах чертовых
Нас манила молодость
словно грудь четвертого
Трудовым почином
починили нас
Чтобы не глядели мы
словно волки в лес
Чтобы и не вздумали
отойти от касс
отойти от масс

Физики и шизики
Медики и педики
Чижики и пыжики
Тузы и короли

Чукчи и арцахи
Псы и патрули

Берегите молодость
от дурного сглаза
на дубовой вешалке
в номерном шкафу
чтобы не пристала к ней
чуждая зараза
чтобы не пришили ей
пункт или графу

Берегите молодость
ивушку зеленую
над рекой склоненную
Берегите принципы
орешки каленые
фигушки карманные
талоны и шприцы

Шитому и крытому
шептуну горбатому
крестному отцу

                        Всем потрафит молодость
                        наша душка-молодость
                        наша пышка-молодость
                        наша гоп-ца-ца
                        Вся она как стеклышко
                        от шнурка до колышка
                        всем она под горлышко
                        всем она к лицу

Спим как победители
Бдим как победители
Нас как победителям
все плывет само
С нами наша молодость
наша комсомолодость
вечная как молодость
прочная как чмо